Your company's vital and critical information is at risk if you save it on your web cloud. Regardless of how hard you try or how successful you are in preventing your data from being hacked by those unknown bots, there is a good chance you will end up sacrificing your data because, no matter how much you believe your work in a closed-nit network, hackers will always find a way to break the deal. However, by incorporating SCADA security into your network, you can protect your confidential data and work safely on web clouds. The most commonly used SCADA Control Solutions in Ireland are specialized in managing almost all industrial processes. SCADA systems include both the hardware and the software as components. The hardware part is responsible for collecting and feeding data into field controller systems, and they forward the data further into other systems, which process and present it to a human-machine interface (HMI) in real-time. Additionally, SCADA records and logs all events to report process status and problems if any unknown activity is detected in the network.